Thursday, October 14, 2010

Get to know Jesus

Ever felt like no matter what you do in life you're always coming up short? Ever feel like no matter how happy you are you're just not happy enough? The key to success in life isn't being a go getter, or even about being a good person. The key to having success in this life is Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is so much in love with you because you are His child. Created in the very image of God. His love for you caused Him to descend from on High and to die just so that you may live. If you've never given Jesus a chance I challenge you to do so now. Become part of a family of individuals who while imperfect, are striving to become what their Savior has called them to be. There is a better tomorrow coming and you can be there. Just cast your cares upon Him for He cares for you.

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