Monday, October 18, 2010

A Poem Meant to encourage

The Conductor
A melody ever so sweet plays at the threshold of my soul. It teases me and tempts me to dance, just this once. How my body longs to let it in…
This melody, the song from which it stems, it is familiar to me.  I remember the day I first heard its seductive chords. Unspoken passions it stirred within me. Forbidden desires welled up from the depths of my being. Tacitly I gave permission to the musician…Play on, Play on, until I found myself enraptured by the sound and dancing with a partner, unknown to me.

Memories are aroused and I recall the pleasure of the dance; the smell, the touch, the taste; the smiles, the laughter, the cheers. How I wish to revisit those pleasures again. How I want to dance with my partner once more. For old times’ sake…That musician, man does he know how to play. This song…it makes me want to forget…forget…forget…what? A whisper…remember, remember, remember! Every coin has two sides! Where there is pleasure there is pain!
Feelings of regret, betrayal, abandonment, and self-loathing are manifested in a torrent of tears. Unspoken passions bring audible suffering. Forbidden desires bring unforeseen consequences. Never again, never again, I say, will I give way to this song or entertain its call to dance. Never again, never again. That which was once a request has now become a demand. The partner I had forsaken now insists I dance, that I allow this song entry. My voice is gone from me and the melody which becomes even sweeter. The pull is strong. They want me to forget…forget…forget…
Remember, remember, remember the Conductor! 
I closed my eyes and hoped for help. But can He hear above the resounding petitions from the musician and my partner-from once upon a time? I open my eyes and there, standing between me and that which would have me, is the Conductor. Oh how that song now builds and the call to dance becomes stronger. The musician plays with conviction and my partners calls seductively. Passions once again stir within and pleasure pulls at my heart. They want me to forget…forget…forget and to embrace...embrace…embrace the sweetness.
But the Conductor, stands between me and that which would have me. And the longer I look to Him…
He smiles. His hand is stretched towards me. I place my hand in His and my body is strengthened once again. He pulls me to my feet and takes me in His arms. Suddenly that which I thought was sweet, became bitter to me. My partner was not so alluring anymore. The chaos was gone…now there was peace; such a sweet peace.
A new song began to fill my heart. A melody infinitely sweeter than that which I was familiar with embraced my soul. The chorus was familiar, and how I so loved to sing it:
Remember, remember, remember the Conductor!

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