Tuesday, October 19, 2010

For the Forsaken

Have you've ever found yourself saying "God where are you?!" or found yourself wondering why bad things happen to good people, while good thing happen to bad people? Have you ever looked at your relationships and wondered why they had to turn out the way they did when you just knew you were doing everything the right way? Have you ever been angry with God? Have you ever tried praying but felt like a massive weight was being pressed down on you, and that your prayers weren't getting any further then the ceiling? If so then welcome to the club!

This crazy world that we live in does a good job of giving off the impression that at times, God must not really care about what's going on in the lives of His children. We have pain, we have suffering, both physical and emotional. We experience hurt and loss, seemingly, more frequently then those who curse God or who simply pay Him no attention. We get angry and ask for answers but our questions are met with silence. We get depressed and look for an emotional lift, but find ourselves spiraling even further into despair.

Some people, in search of answers, look to godly men or friends, in hopes of finding some reason to what we perceive as an unfair situation. Why does it have to be this way? Why must I feel broken so often? Why must I cry so much? Why do I have to feel so alone? Is this the cost of following God? If that's the case then I'm not so certain that I can. True enough, following after Christ is a difficult task, but I would that you be of good courage.Christ told His disciples In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." 

There really isn't an easy answer to the questions I started this post with, but an answer nonetheless remains. Whether or not mines is the right one, well I'll let you be the judge.

Pain is going to come to everyone who draws breath on this planet, and some will experience more then others unfortunately. But should we allow that pain to determine whether or not we will trust in, or believe in God? We have an adversary who accuses us daily, as he did with Job, that we will only serve God so long as He shows us favor. He accuses us of being fair-weather believers. He works to confuse the minds of men. Feverishly he works to cast his own character traits and personality on God and then he portrays the Lord as an unjust Being. He suggests that a loving God would never allow such suffering to continue, so therefore if God exists, He must be an uncaring tyrant.

Men then accept this lie, and the bitterness and anger that should be directed towards Satan, that should cause them to run to their only Shelter and Safe Haven, and forsake their sins, causes them to turn their backs on God and curse Him.

Oh that men would cling to the promises of God! How much of a differnce would that make in the lives of those who feel forsaken, who feel hurt, who feel hopeless!

Jer 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose

Isa 55:8,9
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,  neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the  heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

God also says that His word will accomplish what He sent it out to do! (Isa 55:10,11) So this means that if God said He will prosper you, protect you, and save you, then despite what troubles you are going through, despite how the adversary depicts the Father of Love, He is right with you. God is concerned with our eternal well-being. Perhaps the problem is that our idea of protection is too narrow. We look at protection and apply the idea to temporal safety, but aside from that, God is also applying it to eternal security!

I remember one day I had the heaviest heart due to something I was going through. I couldn't feel God's love. I couldn't feel His presence. I didn't feel as if His promise were true. I felt forsaken. I felt abandoned. And it was at that moment that I knew I needed to pray. I feel to my knees and cried out to God with tears in my eyes. I poured out my soul to the Everlasting Father and pleaded for His help. I praised His name in spite of my circumstance, and He came through for me. He gave me a peace that I could not explain. By the time I got off of my knees my tears were gone and a smile was in my heart.

Rest assured that God loves you, and no matter how Satan tries to spin the picture, He does have your well-being in mind. Just give Him your heart and you'll see.

<<The Boiling Point>>
Psalms 73 is a beautiful chapter that shows a man who is feeling completely down and out ask God the almighty question: Why? Why do the wicked prosper? Why do the just suffer? His heart is heavy and his faith is shaken...until he goes into the sanctuary. There he learns what God has in store for those who love Him, and for those who hate Him and abuse the innocent. God hasn't forgotten those who have suffered unjustly. He hasn't forgotten you. Your pain does not go unnoticed. You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book (Ps 56:8).

God wants us to trust Him. He wants us to talk to Him. Satan wants us to hate and ignore God, thus he brings pain and suffering and then blames it on God. Please, don't be deceived. Trust in God. Look past the pain to the throne of Grace where you will find comfort. Know that you can be whole in God.

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