Thursday, October 21, 2010

Strive To Be More

What are your goals? What is it that drives you to reach higher? I have something that I would like to share with you. Never let anyone make you feel worthless. Why? Because you are a child of God, created in the Image of the Almighty. You are an irreplaceable work of magnificence intended to bring glory and honor to Him who set you free. It's time to renew your mind. It's time to reach for a higher goal. Strive for excellence. Desire greatness.

I've been troubled lately. So many of our young people want to aspire to be nothing more then the next Rap or Hip-Hop icon, or they're largest concern is how to "get that paper". It troubles me deeply that this has become something to aspire to. Why you ask? Because I believe our young people can be so much more. I wish that someone would explain to me what is so glamorous about exalting violence, sexual promiscuity, and all manner of selfishness? How far has our culture fallen where it doesn't even bat an eyelash at using expletives when speaking about a woman? Or when it glories the use of alcohol and narcotics? Or when it speaks about money as if it were the most important thing in life? Why is it that we are so willing to compromise our morals for worldly gain?

I mean, am I the only person who get's tired of seeing our fellow brothers struggle to string together a proper sentence? Am I the only one tired of seeing our sisters degraded and paraded around as objects of lust? Why do we on one hand condemn these things, and then with the other exalt them? Brothers, how can you speak about respect and dignity, when you refuse to wear your clothes properly, or when you refuse to submit to authority, because "you ain't gonna be no punk"? Sisters, how can you expect a man to appreciate your mind, when the only thing you're selling is your body by the way you dress? Or how can you expect to find a "good man" when your too busy looking down your noise at him because "he ain't no balla"? Think people! How can you expect to be valued when you don't value yourself? How can you expect respect when you won't respect yourself?

It's time to set your expectations higher! This world offers a treasure trove of "bling", but that's only because it doesn't want you to find the dross buried beneath it. Don't be mistaken though, fame and fortune in this world comes at a cost far too expensive to pay. Anything that requires the sacrifice of good christian values upon the altar of gain, is asking you to pay to high of a price.

Now you may be wondering why I said "christian values". Because I've yet to find a better system from which morals should be comprised. Take note quickly that morality is not a relative issue. It's not "I have a set of morals that work for me, and you have a set of morals that works for you". That's not the way it ought to be. When we make morals relative, we make right and wrong relative, and that in my opinion is a huge issue that we have in our society.

I'm saying all of this because I think some of our people need to think about what they could really be versus what the world says they have to be. Is it really in your best interest to want a life that has you flirting with death? A life of disobedience and immorality? Are you really only as valuable as your best lyric? Is your worth really measured by how beautiful you are, or by how sexy your body is?

We've been deceived into thinking that the opinions that matter are the ones that come from our peers. The fact of the matter is that the only opinion that matters is the one that God has about you. He declared you worthy of His love, worthy of salvation, worthy of joy and of everlasting life! He declared that His Son would die, so that we all might live. He said that no one would love you like He would, because His love is an everlasting love!

<<<Boiling Point>>>
Psalms 139:14 states: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Considering how God looks at you, don't you think it's about time you gave yourself more credit then you've been? Excellence will not be found in this world. It's fruit is bitter and spoiled to the core. It's pleasures are fleeting and ephemeral.  However, that which our God has for us is eternal. Love, joy, peace, and one day, life eternal, a crown of life, and robe of righteousness! A home is promised us which shall never be taken away. My brothers and my sisters I encourage you to strive to gain that which is worth having. Strive for Christ and let Him renew in you a right mind, and show you that excellent thing for which you have been created.

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