Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A New Home Awaits!

One of the texts that I first memorized from the bible on my own was John 14:1-3. Before His death, Christ spoke a most wonderful promise to His disciples: Let not your hearts be troubled. Ye believe in God believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am there ye may be also.These verses have brought comfort to me on many an occasion, and I hope they will do the same for you.

You know there are times when I'm driving home, or when I'm on the bus, and I take a look at some of the most beautiful homes I've ever seen. My heart get's sick sometimes because I think I'll never have a home that nice, or I'll get a bit upset with myself because of the large amount of poor choices I've made that have contributed to my current living situation. But you know what, it's fine. I look to that promise from Christ that He has gone to prepare a home for me, and that one day I'll get to live there with Him forever. Now I don't know about you but that sounds awesome to me!

Just think about the God of the universe fashioning a home for you. This home will always stand! You won't have any mortgage to pay. There won't be any utility fees. This home will be 100% yours with no strings attached. I like the sound of that. And it only get's better from there. Not only will God have a house built for us, He will give us an inheritance in the earth where we will be able to build our own homes and grow our own vineyards. So says the prophet Isaiah: And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands (Isa 65:21,22).

We are only strangers sojourning  in a foreign land. The city that God has prepared for us will blow away the expectations of even the most imaginative mind. The size of the city alone baffles the intellect so much so that people say that it has to be symbolic. It is made of precious gold with twelve foundations of precious stones, with walls of jasper and gates of pearl. Our God is set to transform the way we understand the meaning of "the worlds most livable city".Just try to imagine if you will, being any place in the world and being able to see where home is.Think about being welcomed no matter where you go. Think about having friends everywhere you look. This new home will be free from sin, strife, pain, harm, death, sorrow, sickness, plague, famine, etc. Think about having access to the worlds most majestic city and being welcomed there whenever you want. Think about not having to be rejected for residency, or having to worry about being attacked while walking down the street at night. Think about being able to let your children play freely outside, or leaving your house unlocked and unattended knowing that no harm shall befall your home or possessions.

This new home will be for all of those who are redeemed by the Savior Jesus Christ. There is not a one who has to be turned away. There is no occupancy cap, no credit check, no waiting list to determine who will and won't be allowed in. All you have to do is give your life to the Savior. Allow Him to come in to your life and He will  make you ready for this new home. Your name will be recorded in the Lamb's book of life in  heaven, and when He comes to collect His jewels, His precious children, you will walk among them. Your feet will tread the streets of gold. Your lips will drink from the river of the water of life, and eat from the tree of life. Would you walk where angels tread? Where the hosts of heaven sing praises to the Savior? Would you stand before the Father and hear Him tell you "Well done thou good and faithful servant?" Would you that Christ would wipe away every tear from your eyes? Are you tired of living in uncertainty, in a world that cares not for even its own? If you said yes to even one of those questions, then I again ask that you make Jesus your Savior this day.

<<Boiling Point>>

Now this is where I usually write something that summarizes the above statements. However, I would only that you take the next couple of minutes and watch the video below. May the God of our Fathers have mercy upon you and may His grace always be with you.

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