Wednesday, November 3, 2010

When Never Again, Happens Again.

I've been thinking lately about how often I've said to myself "I'll never do XYZ again!" I mean I would make vows and promises to myself, and most times, I'd be able to withstand falling. However it wouldn't be too long before I would find myself right back at the place I said I would never be...again. It's heart breaking honestly because you find yourself questioning who you are, well at least I know I do. As the saying goes "old habits die hard", but if you're anything like me, you wonder why its so hard to let certain things die. 

You want to do what's right. You want to let go of evil habits, but every time you turn around, that pesky habit is right there, staring at you, standing toe-to-toe with you, and smiling. You remember the pleasure of engaging in said activity, and you think to yourself, "well one more time won't hurt" or "I've already started so I might as well finish". However, again, if you're like me, once it's all said and done, the since of failure is overwhelming, and the price paid for pleasure wasn't worth it.

So why bother escaping from a habit that seems to have an unrelenting grip on you? Why try to overcome something that you are likely to fall back in to? Why not just embrace it and ride the wave of delight instead of fighting against the current? The reason why we must fight, and continue to strive to overcome, is because our victory through Christ has already been assured. Not only that, but the Lord is longsuffering and willing to forgive, for His grace is sufficient for us. Scripture tells us that if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Even more, the Lord tells us in Isaiah 43:25,26: 
I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake;
      And I will not remember your sins.
     Put Me in remembrance;
      Let us contend together;
      State your case, that you may be acquitted.

To give up is to give power over your mind to the enemy. Our adversary the Devil longs to control the mind so that he can manipulate and destroy. So long as we fight to overcome our sinful desires and habits, the Lord will work on our behalf so that we can be overcomers. Should we however decide to digress and give up the fight, we then place ourselves in a position to eventually accept that which is wrong as right.

Scripture admonishes us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Rom 12:2), and to abstain from fleshly lusts which war against our souls (1 Peter 2:11). The things of this world which bring physical pleasure are working an eternal ruin in the hearts of men. Is it not better to live then to die? Is it not better to gain then to lose? Christ says what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? (Mat 15:26) What does it profit someone to gain all the wealth, to get all the bling, to have all of the best cars or nicest clothes, to have the most lavish dwelling place, to have all the sex, to have the largest entourage, to do whatever they desire, if the end there of is their eternal demise? 

Satan would that we fall into despair when we mess up, especially when we mess up doing the same thing over and over again. He would that we would just throw in the towel and accept the fact that we won't get any better, and as a result begin to wallow in the muck of sin like a pig in mud. However, this is not our fate. Do not allow the guilt of failure to keep you from overcoming the sins which so easily beset us. When it happens, lift your eyes to the Savior and claim His promises for help, forgiveness, and restoration.

<< The Boiling Point >>

There is a song that says we fall down, but we get up...for a saint is just a sinner who fell down, but got up. Along our way to glory we are bound to fall at some point, and more so then not it will be to the same thing we've fallen to in the past. We must push forward though and trust in the merits of our God and believe His word. He stated that He will forgive the penitent and work a work of perfection in us. When never again happens again, don't allow the Devil to bog you down with guilt. God is great and mighty to save. His love for you will never fade. Keep pressing towards the mark for this race is given to the one who endures to the end. Trust God to perfect you and one day, never again, will be never again.


  1. All so true. When Jesus spoke of forgiveness(70 X 7), he wasn't just speaking to forgiving others, but also to forgiving ourselves. Failure comes when we quit trying. We must press on. Thanks, Rick for an eye-opener!
