Friday, November 12, 2010

How Great is our God!

Honestly for a while now I didn't have the slightest idea as to what I should blog about. I had plenty of ideas but none of them seemed to jell with me. Today while on facebook my little cousin put up a beat that he made, and the background to the beat was a picture of the "Pillars of Creation". Whenever I see that picture I think about how awesome our God is. So I just want to dedicate this blog to uplifting and praising the name of the Lord God Most High! You know it boggles my mind when I think about how many people willingly decide not to believe in God. I can't see how one can live without Him. He is so great. So awesome. So wonderful. So mighty! His love is from everlasting to everlasting, and His mercies are new every day.

Now some of you may not have seen, or may not know what the pillars of creation are.  Well that issue is easily remedied by taking a look at the picture to the right. Now I'm not going to try to get all scientific and explain what this is. A quick google search will give you the details you desire. What I will tell you is that these pillars of gas and dust are located within the Eagle Nebula. What is so amazing about these pillars is that sheer size of them. The largest pillar, the first one on the left, is 7 light years long! Now a light year is designated as the distance light can travel over a straight line within a year. Looking this up I discovered that a light year is approximately 6 trillion miles. So if you multiply 6 by 7 you get 42. That means that the largest pillar there is some 42 trillion miles high. You should let that sink in for a little bit. Isn't God amazing? Now I know that one can speculate and talk about evolution or whatever, and how one big boom created all of this stuff. I however have no interest in discussing that in this entry. I believe in a God who has skillfully and masterfully created these objects for our pleasure so that we can know that He is God.

The Psalmist exclaims:

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

The last part, where he says that there is no language or speech where there voice isn't heard is so true. No language barrier can keep someone from using their eyes to see the handiwork of God. His works are magnificent, and they are their proclaiming His greatness! In Davids day they didn't have the opportunity to view the handiwork of God up close as we do. However, in a sky devoid of heavy pollution and missing artificial lights, he was able to look up and see a myriad of stars illuminating the sky. He was able to appreciate the work of His creator and the nightly reminder that there is a God in Heaven.

This picture here on the left was also taken from the Eagle Nebula. It's called The Spire, for obvious reasons, and it stretches some 9.5 light years long. Isn't that just plain amazing?! You could stand at the bottom and never hope to see the top, and you could run as fast as your legs could carry you, and never reach the summit, and yet God, with one Word, called these things into existence. It boggles the mind really. I mean we can throw out these numbers and put up these pictures, but sometimes I think the depth of the subject truly escapes us. Again, the psalmist says:
When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
         The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,
 What is man that You are mindful of him,
         And the son of man that You visit him?

The picture of to the right is that of the actual Eagle Nebula, also known as Messier Object 16. This area of clouds and stars, which contains the Spire and Pillars of Creation,  is said to be some 70X55 light years in size. Remember now, 1 light year, is approximately 6 trillion miles long, so suffice it to say that this nebula is, for lack of a better word, massive! And whats even more amazing is that this nebula is only one of countless others, and by far is not the largest. And what's even more amazing is the fact that all of it's secrets, all of the starts contained within, will be shown personally to those who overcome and make Jesus their Lord. Think of the possibilities. To have the Creator of all that there is, personally instruct you in regards to His universe. If there's ever been a time to shout it's now! If there's ever been a time to get excited, it's now. Our God has so much in store for those who love Him, and His left a trail of celestial bread crumbs that lead straight to Him.

<<The Boiling Point>>

The universe spins its course at speeds unimaginable, yet nothing falls out of it's appointed place. Our tiny planet sits at just the correct distance and angel to the sun so that life can flourish. How is it that among the billions and billions of stars in this universe, that our planet, steeped in sin, has become the object of His supreme affection? What kind of love have we been exposed to? What kind of love has been made manifest to us? What supreme love has found us! If you would, just praise the Lord for His awesome works, for His magnificent works! Praise Him for He is worthy to be praised for He is Holy and Just and Good. No other name in heaven or in earth is like His name. He is worthy to be praised for He sacrificed all that we may live. He died the death we deserved so that we could live the life He deserved. He has called us His own, despite our shortcomings and has promised to redeem us if we would only believe! The next time you get a chance to look up at the night sky, think for a moment about how much God loves you. Consider His ways, what He has sacrificed, so that you could become part of His heavenly family. How great is our God? Word fail to describe!

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