Thursday, December 30, 2010

Faith, got's ta have it

Ever heard someone say "Ya gots ta have faith!" and outwardly you're smiling, but inwardly you're like "why do they always say that?" Or have you ever been so down, that you struggle with the question "What good will faith do me now?" Ever wondered "what's the point?" If you can relate, then trust and believe that you're in good company. As trivial as it may seem, faith is the most important aspect to life. Yes, life. Why? Because faith serves as the foundation for that which one believes. The best definition for faith is found in the book of Hebrews 11:1 which says - Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 

In my opinion, faith leads to hope. And what hope does one truly have if they don't have God? Sure you may be able to hope for a better tomorrow in one way shape or form, but what does that really get you? The days of man are numbered, and death will come for us all eventually. Those who draw breath will cease to do so. With this being the case, wouldn't it make sense to have faith in the God who loves you so deeply that He died for you so that you may live with Him for all eternity? I think so. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and yet loses his soul?
And the thing is that you have absolutely nothing to lose, but everything to gain. One thing you have to understand is that God is yearning to put forth His hand in a mighty way for His children. It is their faith in Him that He is who He said He is that allows this to happen. God will not force Himself upon anyone. When He walked this earth His power was manifested only to those who believed He was who He said He was. Their faith was rewarded, not their sight. As He said to the woman with the bleeding issue, who stretched forth her hand to touch His cloak: "...thy faith has made thee whole..."

In Matthew 17 verses 14-20 Christ casts out a demon from a young boy. When the disciples asked why they could not drive it out Christ said it was because they had so little faith. He then goes on to say that faith, genuine faith, the size of a muster seed would be enough to move mountains. And this wasn't figurative. Christ was being quite literal. He was trying to drive home the point that the smallest amount of faith would cause God to move mightily for His children. 

So getting back to my original point, even though the phrase "you've gots ta have faith" may seem a bit cliche, it stands true. Scripture tells us that it is impossible to please God without faith. A display of faith is a display of trust. You are declaring through your faith that you trust in God; that you believe in Him. Brick upon brick is the tower of the Christian built, and the foundation thereof is that of faith. The stronger the faith, the sturdier the foundation, the greater the trial it can withstand, until finally that foundation is perfected, and nothing, not even the tearing down of the tower, can cause the foundation to fail.

<<Side note>>
Recently I listened to a debate between Richard Dawkins and John Lennox on YouTube. The discussion, while interesting, left me feeling the same way I always feel whenever I listen to an atheist talk about science - and that's that no matter how they try to spin it, they, like the christian, have faith that what they believe is true. They'll never admit to it, lest their entire premise of how irrational faith is falls apart, but the fact remains that it's there. 
<<End Side note>>

<<<Boiling Point>>>
Not to be blunt, but the long and short of it is that everyone has faith in something. For those of us who trust in God, therin lies our faith. For those who do not trust in God, their in lies their faith (that there is no God). So with this being the case, I challenge you to exercise your faith in the most High, and if you don't have any in Him, give it a shot. As stated earlier there is absolutely nothing to lose. I believe that God earnestly longs to work in the lives of His people as He never has before, but their faith is lacking. A wicked and adulterous nation seeks for a sign, so seek for God first and the signs will follow. Being in the express glory of God wasn't enough to keep Lucifer and 1/3 of the angels from rebelling, because they had turned their hearts away from the creator. Don't make the same mistake and think that once you see something that will be enough to justify placing your faith in God. Put your faith in Him now and allow Him to work a special work inside of you. One that will turn your heart back to Him, which indeed is the greatest sign of all. 

Peace and blessings beloved.  

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