Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Value of a Wife.

Proverbs 18:22 says that a man who finds a wife finds a good thing. The word good is translated from the Hebrew word “towb” and has a variety of meanings attached to it including: beautiful, pleasant, fine, and valuable. Any one of those words could be substituted for “good” and would not change the meaning of the passage. Indeed the author of this blog has married and has found a beautiful, pleasant, fine, and valuable thing.  A woman’s worth is incalculable, and I’m not saying this to try to flatter the female species. My wife has been there for me in so many ways, dealt with so much foolishness, and been the reason for many a joyous moment in my life. I appreciate her as a friend, a lover, and the mother of my child. 

Living in the midst of a society that has amped up sex, promiscuity, marital unfaithfulness (Desperate Housewives anyone), and the like to such a degree that it makes faithfulness cliché, is difficult. We live in a time now where retaining one’s virginity is laughable, and sleeping around is commendable. When I think about such things and how I could be living versus how I am living…questions come to mind: “Why bother with marriage?” “Why don’t you just live it up?” There are times when I get so frustrated with circumstances that I just want to throw in the towel. But I’ve come to realize that there is a difference between being the kind of man the world wants you to be, and being the type of man God has called you to be. When I look at it from this perspective, and think about the things in life that actually matter, the things that are truly important, I can smile and appreciate what I’ve been blessed with. 

You see, Satan is constantly on the attack, and me being the rather emotional person that I am, he tries to manipulate my emotions and bring me to a place that I know I don’t want to be. You see, the way the world is going, and the things it glorifies are not for me. I have a good woman. I have someone who will be there for me every day till the end of time. I have a woman who loves me despite of my faulty, overly emotional, semi-judgmental self. She treats me well, better then I deserve, and I love her for this.
And when I think about her, and remember that smile, I can answer Satan’s questions without hesitation. Why bother with marriage? Because He who find a wife finds a good (beautiful, pleasant, valuable, fine) thing, AND receives favor from the Lord. Why don’t I just live it up? Because there is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof is death. I have something precious that Satan wants to rob me of. But I won’t let her go. A good woman deserves a good man, and I plan on being that man for her for as long as she’ll have me.

<<Boiling Point>>
“…a chair is not a house, and a house is not a home when there’s no one there to hold ya tight, and no one there you can kiss goodnight” Those words of Luther Vandross have a certain truth to them. But I’d like to take it further to say that it’s not just about having a place to share with someone. Shacking up with someone won’t turn your house into a home and isn’t love. Love requires dedication, commitment, a willingness to sacrifice everything for the benefit of the other. Love puts self on the back burner and looks to find fulfillment in fulfilling the needs of the object of that love. This is what makes you a man or a woman that’s worth having, and this is what makes my wife a woman worth cherishing. In conclusion, if you’re a good woman, understand your worth as a child of God. If you have a good woman, understand her worth as a child of God. Cherish and be cherished. Love and be loved. Experience that which God has set in place and understand why the wisest man who ever lived said that you receive favor from the Lord.