Friday, May 27, 2011

A Father's Love

You know, there's something amazing about having a child of your own. Becoming "daddy" will change your entire perspective when it comes to life and relationships. My daughter is three years old and is about to be four in July. Every time I look at her, I think: That's my baby. It is my duty to raise her appropriately. I have an obligation to ensure that she is taken care of both physically and emotionally. She is going to learn how to distinguish right from wrong based primarily on what she sees from me, and maybe most importantly, she is going to learn what love is based on our relationship. It's a sobering feeling honestly, but a joyous one as well.

Some of the things I've learned during these three years of parenting, is that:
  1. Children are selfish little creatures
  2. Expecting a three year old to tell the truth is like expecting snow not to melt over a fireplace
  3. No matter what that child does to push me to the limits of insanity, I'll never stop loving her.
My daughter is a bundle of energy. From the time she fully wakes up in the morning, till the time she goes to bed, she's firing on all cylinders. She has to touch something, grab something, inspect something, watch something, eat something, drink something, etc. I've been stretched thin by her on multiple occasions and I've lost my temper more then once while dealing with her. However, when I look down on her small helpless frame and see those brown eyes of her's looking back up at me, I buckle. I remember that she, while learning, does not comprehend the full ramifications of her actions. I mean she's only three for crying out loud. She curious! She's excited! She wants to do do do! And while those are fine traits to have, it's my duty as her parent to be patient with her and to explain why there is a time and a place for everything. It's great to have fun, it's great to be excited, and it's great to want to do everything! But there's also a time to just relax and stay calm. It's necessary to weigh your actions, to look before you leap, and most importantly, to obey the rules instituted for your safety.

When considering these things about my daughter, I honestly find myself laughing. I'm not laughing at her though, but at my own sorry self. You see parents are quick to get on the cases of their children. We don't understand why they can't follow simple rules, or why they have to be so mischievous. We don't get why they just don't listen when we tell them to do something, and every now and then God whispers in my ear, "You're just like her". You see, as grown as I am and with as much intelligence and life experience that I have, I still do things in like manner as a three year old, and my heavenly Father is constantly dealing with my mess. He says sit down, but I wanna stand up. He tells me to walk, but I wanna go and run off. He tells me to slow down, but I rush ahead.

Many of us had parents who had one particular rule that always applied once we got home. When me and my sisters would get in, whether or not we were coming from Church or from School, my parents would immediately tell us to take off our good clothes and put on our play clothes. Why? Because those good clothes were expensive, and my parents weren't trying to see us mess them up. I remember one time when I was younger, my parent's had purchased this white Easter suit for me to wear to church. My first time wearing it I went somewhere in the church I wasn't suppose to go, and ended up falling and getting my BRAND NEW WHITE SUIT all types of dirty. When my dad saw me, I was sitting there trying to brush off the dirt. I remember the diss disappointment in his face and the anger in his eyes. I don't remember much else from that day but I can assure you that an appropriate punishment was meted out.

That being said, how often do we forget that God has dressed us in "Good Clothes". When we come to the Lord, our filthy garments are taken away and we are clothed with a new garment (See Zech 3:3-4). Every now and then though, we go out and find ourselves somewhere we're not suppose to be, and while we're there we get all types of dirty. We find ourselves horror stricken because we know our Father is going to find out that we've messed up the new clothes that He gave us. We sit there and try to brush off the stain, but it just won't come out. At times like this the accuser of the brethern comes out to further discourage us. He points at that mark and drives the idea of separation from God deep into our minds.

I for one know the feeling of being lulled by the devil to come out and play. I know how it feels to think everything is cool...up until the point where you find that spot of dirt on your brand new good clothes. I'm dirty. Again. As a repeat offender I've been fearful that this time, the Lord would not forgive me. I've struggled and even been to the edge of the "why ask for forgiveness, what's the point!" cliff. I've struggled with seeing how a Just God, who calls for perfection from His people, who dwells in unapproachable light, could forgive me again, for doing the same thing, again. The pain is unbearable, but that's when God reminds me of the relationship I have with my daughter. He points at the moments when I've been angry with her, and even when I've punished her, but then He quickly draws my mind to the moments when I've gone to her in her room, picked her up in my arms and told her "I forgive you. Daddy love's you".

Glory be to God that He extends an even greater love than that to me! God wants us to resist sin, and to keep our garments clean, not because He isn't willing to forgive us, but because the stain of sin is hard to get out. But when I do mess up. When I get myself in some dirt, He is right there. When I look to Him and say "Father, I got dirty again. Please forgive me!" He's right there to hold me, and taking His hand and moving it across my face, He wipes the tears away. Then with that same hand, He begins to clean me up again. Glory be to God that just as I will never give up on my child, our heavenly Father will never give up on us.

<<<Boiling Point>>>

You know we serve a God who is ever willing to accept and to forgive. Isaiah 55:6-7 says
Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

Our God will not only pardon, but will do so abundantly. Let no sin stand between you and our Father who purchased you with the blood of His dear Son Jesus. God is calling you today. He has a new set of clothes ready for you to put on, the righteousness of Christ. Won't you accept it today? Don't let the sacrifice Christ made for you be in vain.

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