Friday, August 9, 2013

How To Save An Outlaw

There was a time when peace and unity reigned throughout the universe. Harmony permeated the air and peace filled the streets. No hurt. No pain. No fear of things that went bump in the night, or that harassed you during the day. Discord was not known, nor was strife a thing to be dealt with. This was all thanks to the benevolent reign of the Mighty King. His government was one of love and selfless giving. He cherished His citizens, and they Him. Never was one found to be in need of anything. Graciously did He give, and with hearts of thanksgiving were His gifts received. Love abounded mightily and not one could be found who didn't have a desire to serve the kingdom as best as they could. This couldn't be more true for the King's personal attendants. 

These wonderful beings were special as they served a purpose that no other citizen could. They saw no burden in serving the King and furthering the good of all of creation. It was their delight. And of all of His personal attendants, the King had one special servant, who stood above the rest. He was the Shining one. Of all the citizens of the universe, he was the smartest, the fastest, the strongest, and the wisest. Not much is known about his duties, but what we do know is that he held the highest place possible, that any citizen could hold. He stood next to the King's Throne, which was a great honor, and outside of the Royal family, he held the highest level of authority.

Some would care to speculate as to what lead to his dissatisfaction...but to rationalize it would be to excuse it, and as tragic as it was, there was no excuse for what he did. 

We don't know when, but a day came when the Shining one became unhappy with his position. He became especially jealous of the Kings Son, and sought for himself rights that did not belong to him, nor that he could have. This...annoyance, was a feeling that was strange to him, and at first he wasn't sure what to do with it. The Son of the King could tell that something was bothering his closest servant, so as it was His nature, he went to talk with him. He tried to reason with the Shining one, and explain how fortunate he was to occupy the position that he had. 

The details aren't there to let us know how long the talks took place, but what we do know is that the Shining one began to resent the Son for who He was. Even after being shown the end result of the path that he was on, the Shining one still struggled with turning away. It seems that admitting he was wrong, and asking for forgiveness was too hard a task for him. His pride wouldn't allow it. Sadly enough, it could correctly be said that his pride is what was his undoing. 

Over time, the Shining one resigned from his position, and began a work among the other attendants, trying to convince them to join in rebellion against their King. He shrewdly sewed seeds of discord among them, convincing them that the King was unjust, and His government unfair. It was a horrible time for the universe. Confusion spread as the citizens watched a civil war ignite within the royal court. One third of the King's attendants joined with the Shinning one in open rebellion against the Benevolent ruler. 
The internal fighting was fierce and resulted in the rebells being cast out of Court. The peace that had always existed had now been torn, and even though by rebelling, the newly branded outlaws had warranted swift retribution, any such action taken by the Royal Family would have been seen as a cover up, and would have given credence to the rebels accusations. 

The Royal Families next move was something that no one saw coming. Together, they decided to bring new life into the universe.  A new creation was to be made, and in it, a new being who would be fashioned after the likeness of the Royal Family. This new creature was called  Man, and was greatly loved. They were given dominion over their planet, and were placed in a special garden that they were to tend to. All seemed to be going well, until the new creation joined in rebellion against the King. A single act of disobedience turned them into outlaws, along side of he who was now known as the Accuser. 

All seemed lost for the new creation. Were they to share in the same fate as the Accuser and his followers? The Universe mourned their fate, until word spread through the cosmos that the Son had entered into closed counsel with His Father. The citizens looked with keen interest towards the Capitol. "Would this be the moment when the rebels would be punished?" "What will happen now?" 

It was a time of great anticipation and uncertainty. When the doors to the council chamber opened, and the Son came forth, a look of great sympathy shrouded his face. It was at this point that He revealed His plan to the universe. Man was not to be destroyed, but instead, he would be ransomed. He went on to explain that by offering Himself in their place, He would be able to save the outlaws, and simultaneously reveal the heart of the Accuser, making plain all his schemes, and proving forever, that the King's government, was the only government that could ensure an eternity of peace. 

The news, while not taken easily, resulted in the royal chorus lifting a song of praise to the Son that ear had never heard up till then. And so, the plan was put into motion, and the Royal family went to work reforming the rebels, and fitting them for a better place. There were...many who turned their back on the King. The royal attendants would spends days simply trying to understand the logic applied by some of the fallen ones. "How can they turn their back on so great an offer?" they would ask. "Don't they know what measures have been put in place for them? Don't they know what this will cost?"

It was a bitter-sweet task for them. For every one who said yes to the King, it seemed like ten more would say no. Harsh punishments followed in the wake of their obstinance. A flood that left only 8 in all the world alive. A word from the King that broke the outlaws language. There was one city that had gotten so bad, that the Son went to see it for Himself to confirm it's horrible behavior. It was destroyed by fire from the sky. Of that city, only three escaped alive. 

As time flowed, the King set aside a people who He would have do a special work for Himself. Their ancestor was a man who loved the King, and He promised to use that man's children to do this work. Those children, who for a time were forced to labor as slaves, were freed by the hand of the King from their captivity. He was going to use them to help reach others, so that they too could become citizens of His city. But even they proved to be a stubborn lot. Even despite all that He did, making a covenant with them, giving them His law, fighting their battles, and giving them a home they could not have won on their own, many rejected Him.

But the love of the King is a thing that can't be understood. His promises can't be undone, and His word never goes unaccomplished. It was hard for His attendants to watch the ups and downs that the King suffered through with these people. One generation would receive Him. Another five would reject Him. Times were fraught with constant tales of victory and defeat, but the Son continued to encourage His court. "It will all be worth it in the end." His words gave courage to hearts uncertain about this course of action, so they continued to work as they were instructed.  

The day finally came when the Son took center stage. All were silent as He handed His crown to the one who replaced the Accuser, and in a flash He was gone. The most intense interest was shown on the new planet in the years that followed. Watching the son live among and interact not just with the fallen ones, but as one of them, was a scene for which there were no words. He grew with them. Ate with them. Laughed with them. Cried with them. And when the time came, He taught them, as One who had authority. He made known the way to citizenship. Showed them how to love. And never once did he fall into rebellion. His was a life lived perfectly. And their own hands, the very people He came to reform turned on him. They lied on Him. Spat on Him. Cursed at him. Mocked Him. Ridiculed Him. Scourged Him...and then murdered Him. 

Knowing this would happen still did not make it easy to bear. The court was astir. Voices raised in righteous indignation. Many petitioned that they be allowed to bring this to an end, but the King would not allow it. "This must be". His words...they stilled the crowd, but all could see how His heart ached. They could see how, if possible, He would have been the first to bring this display of hatred to an end. Even as the Son hung on their cruel device, dying of a broken heart, his plea was for the King to forgive them, for they knew not what they were doing.

When he died, not a voice was heard in the court. Not a song sung, not an instrument played. The attendants mourned the Son, removing their crowns from their heads and laying them to the side. Meanwhile the Accuser and his lot exalted in triumph. They believed that they had secured a great victory that day, for the One they hated, now laid in the grave. It was a wretched sight, but one that was forever etched in the minds of the court, and every citizen of the universe.  Now they saw the Accuser for what he was. They had bemoaned him as a lost friend, but now they saw nothing more than a murderous liar. 

Day one came to an end. With greatest sympathy, the royal court watched as the Son's most trusted friends...yes, He had come to call them friends, mourned deeply, as much as any fallen one could. Their minds were confused. They had not comprehended the Son's words for they had come to accept a different teaching about his purpose. As day two came to an end, and as His friends took their heavy hearts to sleep, a palpable shift of enthusiasm in the universe shifted from one party to another. The accuser and his lot took on an air of nervousness that heretofore no one had seen, while excitement filled unfallen space. 

Day three came, and with it the sound of thunder, that echoed throughout the cosmos. It was something the King's citizens had learned while watching the history of this new creation unfold before them. When the outlaws would take the battlefield, there were times when they would stomp their feet on the ground. It usually started with one. And then another. Soon the entire army would be engaged in the action, shaking the ground before them and informing their enemy that this victory would be theirs. 

The universe was stomping together. Their cry to their enemy was that while he may have won a few battles, the victory belonged to the King. They continued to stomp as the doors to the Royal Chamber opened. Out came the King upon His throne, and His was a most solemn look. A cry went out that the universe be silent. A hush fell over the stars of the sky. The King called for His closet attendant, the one who's name means "The King is my Strength". Around the court, he is just known as Strength.

The King looked to the empty throne that belonged to His Son. Upon it sat His Son's royal robe, and His crown. Strength took the robe and crown in his hands and held his position before the throne. As He stood there, the attendants who had filled the court, divided themselves into two straight lines, leaving an opening that went straight from the throne, to the gate of the City.

"Go get my Son." The words rang throughout the universe and Strength flew from the court and out of the city with a speed that lighting could only hope to attain. A second attendant fell in beside him as he exited the city, and together they made their way to the planet where their Master laid buried. Their approach caused the earth to shake. Their were men who had been tasked with guarding the tomb where their Lord laid, who thought an earthquake was upon them. 

The King saw fit to allow these men to see what was truly taking place. As they hit the ground, they beheld the two attendants who had come for the Son. One looked upon them with a deep pity, while Strength moved towards the tomb. There was a stone in his way that he moved with no effort, and entered into the tomb. A glorious site filled the eyes of the guards as the one whom they had slain came forth alive and clothed in eternal majesty. The universe celebrated with a shout that resounded throughout time. The price had been paid, and the way had been secured for every willing outlaw, to become a citizen of the King's Kingdom. 

Friday, May 27, 2011

A Father's Love

You know, there's something amazing about having a child of your own. Becoming "daddy" will change your entire perspective when it comes to life and relationships. My daughter is three years old and is about to be four in July. Every time I look at her, I think: That's my baby. It is my duty to raise her appropriately. I have an obligation to ensure that she is taken care of both physically and emotionally. She is going to learn how to distinguish right from wrong based primarily on what she sees from me, and maybe most importantly, she is going to learn what love is based on our relationship. It's a sobering feeling honestly, but a joyous one as well.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Value of a Wife.

Proverbs 18:22 says that a man who finds a wife finds a good thing. The word good is translated from the Hebrew word “towb” and has a variety of meanings attached to it including: beautiful, pleasant, fine, and valuable. Any one of those words could be substituted for “good” and would not change the meaning of the passage. Indeed the author of this blog has married and has found a beautiful, pleasant, fine, and valuable thing.  A woman’s worth is incalculable, and I’m not saying this to try to flatter the female species. My wife has been there for me in so many ways, dealt with so much foolishness, and been the reason for many a joyous moment in my life. I appreciate her as a friend, a lover, and the mother of my child. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Training your mind.

Philippians 2:5-8 says
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.

Usually whenever I think about this text I reflect on who God is. I think about what I know regarding Christ and who He is, and what He has done. To think that the Creator of the Universe, who holds all power in His hands, came to this earth, and was in the "form of a bondservant" and remained "obedient to the point of death", it boggles the mind, truly. It leaves one asking, "Why?"

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Faith, got's ta have it

Ever heard someone say "Ya gots ta have faith!" and outwardly you're smiling, but inwardly you're like "why do they always say that?" Or have you ever been so down, that you struggle with the question "What good will faith do me now?" Ever wondered "what's the point?" If you can relate, then trust and believe that you're in good company. As trivial as it may seem, faith is the most important aspect to life. Yes, life. Why? Because faith serves as the foundation for that which one believes. The best definition for faith is found in the book of Hebrews 11:1 which says - Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 

Friday, November 12, 2010

How Great is our God!

Honestly for a while now I didn't have the slightest idea as to what I should blog about. I had plenty of ideas but none of them seemed to jell with me. Today while on facebook my little cousin put up a beat that he made, and the background to the beat was a picture of the "Pillars of Creation". Whenever I see that picture I think about how awesome our God is. So I just want to dedicate this blog to uplifting and praising the name of the Lord God Most High! You know it boggles my mind when I think about how many people willingly decide not to believe in God. I can't see how one can live without Him. He is so great. So awesome. So wonderful. So mighty! His love is from everlasting to everlasting, and His mercies are new every day.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

When Never Again, Happens Again.

I've been thinking lately about how often I've said to myself "I'll never do XYZ again!" I mean I would make vows and promises to myself, and most times, I'd be able to withstand falling. However it wouldn't be too long before I would find myself right back at the place I said I would never be...again. It's heart breaking honestly because you find yourself questioning who you are, well at least I know I do. As the saying goes "old habits die hard", but if you're anything like me, you wonder why its so hard to let certain things die. 

You want to do what's right. You want to let go of evil habits, but every time you turn around, that pesky habit is right there, staring at you, standing toe-to-toe with you, and smiling. You remember the pleasure of engaging in said activity, and you think to yourself, "well one more time won't hurt" or "I've already started so I might as well finish". However, again, if you're like me, once it's all said and done, the since of failure is overwhelming, and the price paid for pleasure wasn't worth it.